

STMet 2022, the premier international conference for researchers and practitioners working on science evaluation metrics, is pleased to invite proposals for workshops to be held in conjunction with the conference. The workshops provide a venue to discuss and explore emerging areas of Scientometrics and other related metrics with a group of like-minded researchers and practitioners from industry and academia.

Workshop Format
In this edition, our goal is to have a balanced workshop program comprising different workshop formats, combining newly emerging, currently evolving, and established research topics. Different full-day and half-day workshop schemas are possible, such as:
Working group meetings around a specific problem or topic; participants may be asked to submit a white paper or position statement
Mini-conferences on specialized topics, having their own paper submission and review processes
Mini-competitions or challenges around selected topics with individual or team participation
Interactive discussion meetings focusing on subtopics of the STMet general research topics.
Joint panels for different workshops

Instructions for Proposers
The workshop proposals should not exceed 5 pages and should be organized as follows:
Workshop title and acronym
Workshop chair(s), including affiliation, email address, homepage, and experiences in organizing such events
Abstract (up to 300 words) and topics of interest
Motivation on why the workshop is of particular interest at this time
Workshop format, discussing the mix of events such as paper presentations, invited talks, panels, and general discussions
Intended audience and expected number of participants
List of (potential) members of the program committee (at least 50% have to be confirmed at the time of the proposal)
Requested duration (half-day or full-day)
When available, past editions of the workshop, including URLs, a brief statement on the development of the workshop series, e.g., in terms of topics, number of paper submissions and participants, post-workshop publications over the years, and acceptance statistics

Submission and Review Process
The workshop proposals should be submitted in PDF format via email to

We encourage both researchers and industry practitioners to submit workshop proposals.

Researchers interested in submitting a workshop proposal are invited to contact us in advance, so we can help to design successful proposals. In particular, for workshop proposals with novel interactive formats, we are happy to assist in further developing and implementing the ideas.
We strongly suggest involving organizers from different institutions, bringing different perspectives to the workshop topic. We welcome workshops with a creative structure that may attract various types of contributions and may ensure rich interactions.
The organizers of accepted workshops will prepare a workshop website containing the call for papers and detailed information about the workshop organization and timeline. They will be responsible for their own publicity and reviewing processes.

Proposal submission: October 15, 2022
Notification of proposal acceptance: October 20, 2022
Workshop papers camera-ready deadline: November 20, 2022
Workshop Date: December 14, 2021

Workshop Chair

Juan Jose Prieto-Gutierrez PhD
Communication and the Digital Society Research Group
University of La Rioja, La Rioja